Water Well Information

Texas Well Owner Network-Well Owner's Guide to Water Supply  Click here... for a handbook from the Texas Well Owner Network published to help Texans keep their well water safe to drink and use. 

Water Well Owner InformationClick here... for Information for Consumers About Groundwater and Water Wells. Including Water Well Basics, Maintenance, Water Quality/Quantity, Water Testing, and Contractors. 

How to Sample a Water Well - Click here... for Instructions on How to Sample a Water Well, a List of Public Health Laboratories in Texas, How to Send in a Sample, and How to Understand the Results. 

How to Disinfect a Water Well - Click here... for Instructions on How to Disinfect a Water Well, Plumping System, and Flush the Water System.

Guidance on Plugging a Water Well - Click here... for the TCEQ Landowner's Guide to Plugging Abandoned Water Wells. Please check the GUCWDC Rules for further instructions and requirements of the District. 

Water Well Drillers  - Click here... for a list of drillers who have drilled in the GCUWCD Boundary. To check the status of the drilling license with TDLR Click here...